HIV infection and cardiovascular disease in women.

  • Womack JA, Chang CC, So-Armah KA, Alcorn C, Baker JV, Brown ST, Budoff M, Butt AA, Gibert C, Goetz MB, Gottdiener J, Gottlieb S, Justice AC, Leaf D, McGinnis K, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Sico J, Skanderson M, Tindle H, Tracy RP, Warner A, Freiberg MS. HIV infection and cardiovascular disease in women. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2014 Oct;3(3). e001035. PMID: 25324353 [PubMed] PMCID: PMC4323817


HIV infection is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in men. Whether HIV is an independent risk factor for CVD in women has not yet been established.