Our Methods

About our methods

The situations we encounter can have a mixture of systems, each benefiting from different methods.

Situations can have systems or elements of three different types:

  • Ordered – There is a reproducible cause and effect relationship.
  • Complex – Here, patterns exist, but there is no linear cause-and-effect relationship.
  • Chaotic – There are no patterns that exist, and the effects are truly random.

Order is comfortable for most people and we can respond well by using classic problem-solving, quality improvement, and management approaches. These include methods such as analysis, evaluation, measurement, process engineering, and control work, which are effective in these situations.

Complexity can be challenging spaces for many people. Furthermore, the practice of how to navigate continues to evolve rapidly.

Methods we currently use

The methods we use enable teams to address the complexity of their work by effectively monitoring changes, identifying potential disruptions or opportunities, and making well-informed decisions accordingly. They are selected based on the needs of the VUMC teams we have worked with.

These methods complement other methods not listed here that may be helpful in a situation.




Triopticon for exploration.

Greater understanding of certain fields or topics that will help begin choosing paths ahead.

Build a group’s understanding of a field or topic, generate insights and opportunities through the intersection of at least three diverse disciplines, ideas, or beliefs. This engages diverse experts, practitioners, and generalists in several rounds of listening and discussion.

Direction Setting

A statement of direction that will support your adaption to new understanding, situations, and ideas over time.

(Re)define a direction for a department, program, or organization. This method uses current stories to articulate the direction, which provides a more agile and useful guide for future work. (i.e. 'more stories like...', 'fewer stories like...')

Estuarine Mapping

Map of the dynamics at work in a situation with actions that will ready the system for a larger transformation.

Identify and understand the current dynamics, and which can be changed. This method makes complex situations easier to respond to using a series of micro actions.

Solution generation

Ideas for a solution based on sensemaking done thus far.

Design or test potential solutions to a specific situation.

Idea generation can be done in person or now online. Activities performed online can allow participants to integrate this work into normal work schedules rather than participating in a workshop.

Targeted ideation can use example personas, scenarios, or use cases.

Triopticon for analytical conflicts

Resolution of conflicting or differing expert analysis on the same situation.

In cases where expert analysis is sufficient to decide on a response to a situation, conflicts or variability among analyses can make decision making difficult. This method provides space for deeper processing of the various analyses by decision makers and advisers in order to resolve to a decision. This can be particularly helpful when its necessary to reduce organizational politicking and advocacy for specific perspectives.

Radical Repurposing

Innovative concepts that utilize existing capabilities.

Most radical innovation happens from the repurposing of existing capabilities in novel ways. Discover novel, non-obvious, potentially radical innovations we could achieve. This can be done with or without a prompting opportunity or problem.

Most of these concepts and methods are developed by Dave Snowden and the Cynefin Co