The information below will assist individuals with registering a program in the POM application as required by policy. The policy generally applies to any VUMC sponsored or authorized program or operation which has oversight of minor participants who attend events and activities without parental supervision. All programs must be registered and reviewed by the Director of Protection of Minors Program.

All Managers and Coordinators who have oversight of the program are responsible for assuring the compliance elements of activities and affiliated personnel, which include:

  • Registration of the program in the Protection of Minors Web Application Tool.
  • Documentation of date(s) delineated for operational events within the program as well as the personnel associated with the event in the Protection of Minors Web Application Tool.
  • Verification that all event affiliated personnel have a VUMC approved criminal background clearance.
  • Verification that all affiliated personnel have completed Protection of Minors training in the last year.
  • A supervision plan for activities and events.
  • A completed Participation Agreement for each minor participant by a parent or legal guardian which includes emergency contacts, a release/liability waiver, a photo release (if applicable), and the Protection of Minors provision.

The POM Program Best Practices Checklist should be utilized for your program.


Third Party Events: All VUMC hosted Third Party events should also be registered in the Web Application.
This includes external agencies who bring minors to campus as part of an event or activity and supervise the
minors through the course of the event. Any contracts or agreements should include information on VUMC's
policy requirements for the compliance of third parties. Please contact the Office of Risk and Insurance
Management about other requirements for third party events at 615-936-0660.

All Program registration, event documentation and personnel compliance is managed in the Protection of Minors Web Application Tool


>Instructions for new program registration:
  • To create a new program for review, click here to enter the POM Web Application Tool and select "Create a Program."
    Complete all fields and click "submit." You will be notified via your VUMC email within 2 business days with next
    steps to take.

  • For more instructions on how to register a new program, please refer to the POM User Guide for assistance or email.

>Instructions for program managers and coordinators with existing registered programs:
  • Click here to enter the POM Web Application Tool. If you have permissions within a program, you will have tabbed
    selections based on your role for each program. Select the program you wish to manage and continue. Primary Contacts
    and Program Administrators may edit and add to both the program and the event pages. It is recommended you fully
    review the POM User Guide prior to entering new data.

Programs, registered events, and personnel compliance will be reviewed by the Director of the Protection of Minors Program at regular intervals. If you have compliance questions, please email.

For assistance in using the Protection of Minors Web Application Tool please email.

If you have any questions about these requirements or any other aspect of the policy, please email.  Thank you for partnering with us to provide a safe environment at VUMC.