Lab Photos

Katy joins the lab (Summer 2019)

Katy joins the lab for her PhD work. We are so excited to have another graduate student join our team.  Another round of ice cream cake for all. Seems it is becoming a lab tradition. 

katybench katycake katylabmeeting


Doing science (Spring 2019) 

western blot PCLS


Western blots ... Heather says, "I thought we were an RNA lab?"

Thanks to Jennifer Sucre and her lab for showing us how to make Precision Cut Lung Slices for culture.  They are sooooo cool.  We even saw a beating cilia. Truly Amazing. 


3rd time's a charm ... moving again (Winter 2018/19)

Pua Lab #3

We are moving back onto the B hallway of MCN, into our newly renovated lab space. We have become experts in moving the lab, but we certainly hope this time we will stay put.  Excited to get settled into our new space.  



PMI Happy Hour (Fall 2018) 

PMI happy hour 2018 Pua lab brings food for our monthly departmental happy hour.  Thanks Carleigh for making the food, and thanks Neil for helping to set up. Welcome fall!


Neil joins the lab (Summer 2018) 

IMG_5747.jpg Neil joins the lab for his PhD work and wins a spot on a training grant ... two causes for celebration. Ice cream cake for all. Welcome Neil




Moving in, again (Spring 2018)


Pua Lab #2. 

Had to make a temporary move after some plaster fell down through the ceiling on our hallway.  With help from Nichole from the Skaar lab and lots of elbow grease from Carleigh, the new digs look great. Everything got moved over and in a couple of days were were up and running again.  Thanks PMI ! 



Our mice also finally arrive from California via quarantine off site at Charles River Labs.  Hurrah. mouse drawing.jpg



Gearing up (Winter 2017/18) 



 Laura and Carleigh come back with an incredible haul from a lab closing free-for-all. Three carts worth of loot. Strong work team.

We have lots of stuff ... it looks like a real lab now!



Laura gives her rotation talk as our first lab meeting on extracellular vesicles produced from macrophages.  At least she is still smiling at the end.

laura gives lab meeting.jpg



Moving In (Fall 2017)

The Pua Lab is born. 


Our first package arrives. IMG_5218.JPG  IMG_5291.JPG  Our first pipetting.