VUSM faculty educators present at IAMSE 2016

Cathy Pettepher, PhD, Bill Cutrer, MD, M.Ed., and Neil Osheroff, PhD, attended the 20th annual meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators meeting in Leiden, NL, June 4-8. They presented two focus sessions and one oral presentation related to Curriculum 2.0. All were very well received:

Focus sessions:
1. "From Theory to Practice: Implementing Milestone-Based Assessments for Pre-clerkship Medical Students", Cathleen C. Pettepher and Neil Osheroff 
2. "Integrating Foundational Science into Senior Medical Student Clinical Rotations", Neil Osheroff, Cathleen C. Pettepher, and William B. Cutrer

Oral Presentation:
The Use Of Pre-Clerkship "Master Science Teachers" To Help Integrate Foundational Sciences Into The Clinical Curriculum, Neil Osheroff, Cathleen Pettepher, Lillian Nanney, Luc Van Kaer, Arthur Dalley, James Atkinson, Jennifer Blackford, Kimberly Dahlman, Matthew Weinger, Lourdes Estrada, and William Cutrer

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