
The Thoracic Biorepository stores 100,000+ biospecimens, including and not limited to bronchial brushings, bronchial biopsies, EDTA plasma, streck plasma, serum, genomic PBMC DNA, urine, sputum and pleural fluid. Most specimens are from treatment naïve, early detection participants. Epidemiological and outcome data are associated with each participant and their biospecimens.

The Thoracic Biorepository is funded through multiple NCI consortia to advance lung cancer research, including the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN), Molecular and Cellular Laboratories of lung cancer (MCL), and the CIB or Cancer Imaging Biomarkers.

The Thoracic Biorepository is a strong supporter of lung cancer research. Our biorepository team members have years of experience in patient sample collection, processing, storage, and distribution. The biorepository collaborates with surgical pathologists who ensure collection and quality control of the tissue and review of tissue slides.

Our Team Members:

     Stephen Deppen, PhD, Biorepository Director

     Dr. Joyce Johnson, Pathologist          

The Thoracic Biorepository has two full sized centrifuges, seven large -80° freezers, a -196° liquid nitrogen cryofreezer for storage, and a 4° fridge and -20° freezer for temporary storage. All freezers have monitored alarm systems. The Biorepository has dedicated working space, and all other tools, training, and SOPs to operate. Specimens are de-identified and logged in a HIPAA-compliant manner. Specimens are tracked using a dedicated barcoding & database system.

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For questions and concerns please email Stephen Deppen at