Rounding Logs

The Rounding logs are tracking tools to ensure leaders are consistently and effectively Rounding for Outcomes.

When leaders Round for Outcomes, they model desired behaviors by rewarding and recognizing staff, identifying systems to be improved, eliminating barriers, and increasing communication.

A leader rounding on staff in his or her area is the most important kind of rounding because it increases employee retention. In fact, the number one reason employees leave (39% of employees) is because of their relationship with their direct supervisor. Remember what employees want from their leader - a good relationship, approachability, the ability to work shoulder to shoulder, efficient systems, training and development, tools and equipment to do the job, and appreciation. With this in mind, there are key areas and specific questions that help achieve the goals of rounding and harvest wins for employees, physicians and the organization.

Rounding logs are a good way to help the leader think of what to look for when rounding and remember what to follow up on to build staff trust. There are several to choose from in the Tools & Resources section including one for leaders to add their own questions.