April 2024
Lab happy hour at Pins Mechanical! Welcome Andrew to our team.
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September 2023
The Cassat Lab hosted a booth at MEGAMicrobe teaching students about bones in space and facilitating activity of pinning the cell on the bone!
September 2023
The lab went to support Jacob's band Khamsin at the music festival at The Caverns.
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Spring 2023
Congrats to Dr. Jenna Petronglo and Dr. Casey Butrico for defending their theses! Dr. Petronglo is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Erica Korb at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Butrico is a Scientific Affairs Manager for Kuros Biosciences!
Spring 2023
Congrats Dr. Chris Peek for graduating with his M.D. PhD! He will be completing his residency in Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine!
September 2019
The lab at Chris and Jenny's wedding. It was a great excuse to get current and former Cassat lab members together!
August 2019
The inaugural passing of the femur to Dr. Potter after her thesis defense. Aimee is continuing to pursue her passion for microbiology as a post doctoral fellow in the Criss lab at the University of Virginia. She will be missed!
July 2019
Jacob showing off his Nashville cookie knowledge during the Cassat cookie contest on his last day in the lab.
July 2019
The lab celebrating Jacob and Ashton's wedding at Frothy Monkey.
June 2019
A final celebration for Niki in the Cassat lab after her closed defense. She begins her career as a Clinical Microbiology Fellow at the NIH later this week!!
April 2019
Celebrating a few of Niki's accomplishments this month, including finalizing a paper and being selected as a VI4 Symposium student speaker.
April 2019
Gathering for a picture for The Vanderbilt Institute for Infection, Immunology and Inflammation (VI4) Faculty Spotlight https://www.vumc.org/viiii/faculty-spotlight/faculty-spotlight-jim-cassat-md-phd
October 2018
Lab members joining in the wedding celebration of graduate student, Aimee Wilde (Potter!!).
September 2018
Chris and Caleb enjoying a Montreal hike while traveling for the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Annual Meeting.
August 2018
Aimee, Casey, and Laura taking a science break to enjoy ice pops at the Vanderbilt farmers' market.
June 2018
A lab outing to a Nashville Sounds baseball game.
December 2017
Celebrating Casey's end of rotation with a presentation, hot chicken, and donuts.
October 2017
The Cassat lab dressed as our model organism or Dr. Cassat for Halloween. Who wore it better?
September 2017
Lab members attending a concert to support Jacob's band.
October 2016
Aimee and Niki attending the International Conference on Gram-Positive Pathogens.