Fellowship in Oculofacial Surgery

Message from the Fellowship Program Director

The fellowship will include extensive exposure to both functional and aesthetic aspects of oculofacial surgery.  Fellowship Program Director Louise Mawn has been on faculty at Vanderbilt since 1998. She is a member of the International Orbital Society and has a practice emphasis in orbital disease. Dr. Brian Biesman will lead the cosmetic training in the fellowship. Dr. Biesman specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive eyelid surgery and has a special interest in minimally invasive rejuvenation procedures. Dr. Biesman is joined by Molly Katz, RN, CANS who will serve as an adjunctive preceptor.

The breadth and depth of clinical experience in the ophthalmic plastic division in Vanderbilt Eye Institute is considerable with a large volume of tertiary and quaternary orbital disease, complex trauma cases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and a dedicated pediatric ophthalmic plastics clinic in the Lions Eye Center. Full time VEI ophthalmic plastic faculty include ASOPRS members, Dr. Behin Barahimi and Dr. Rachel Sobel. The aesthetic component of the fellowship is unparalleled with international expertise in technology-based applications for facial rejuvenation and noninvasive body contouring including lasers for skin resurfacing, hair removal, treatment of benign pigmented lesions and tattoos, and, treatment of unwanted vascular lesions Intense Pulsed Light treatment, noninvasive body contouring, photodynamic therapy, noninvasive skin tightening, and the comprehensive use of injectable neuromodulators and soft tissue fillers. All subspecialties within the field of ophthalmic plastic practice are represented by faculty with subspecialty training and expertise. The research facilities and core support structure allows for a large variety of research interests.

Information about the fellowship can be obtained by contacting our fellowship coordinator, Lacy Ortiz


Warmest personal regards,


Louise A. Mawn, MD
Program Director

Oculoplastics Faculty

Behin Barahimi, M.D., Associate Professor

Louise Mawn, M.D., Oculoplastics Division Chief, Oculofacial Surgery Fellowship Director

Rachel Sobel, M.D., Associate Professor

Former Fellows

Anna Kupcha, M.D. 2018-2020
Boston, MA

Katherine Dempsey, M.D., 2020-2022
Charlotte, NC