Team Member Spotlight: Mike Lann

Mike Lann

Mike, a programmer on the team, answers some hard-hitting questions for us to get to know him better.

Describe your role here at Team V-CREATE.

I have been working as a programmer for the team for over 4 years.  I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I work primarily with SAS, SQL Server, and Python to produce datasets or software tools for the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) and affiliated cohorts.

What are your favorite parts of this role?

I am part of a hard-working team of people that successfully manage the challenges of working with very large datasets within the VA. It is an enjoyable group to be a part of and, importantly, I feel that the work we are doing is improving healthcare for patients.

How did your path lead you here? What are some things that you did prior to joining this team?

I have been a programmer on various projects for the University of Pittsburgh and NetApp Inc. for 20 years. Over the years, I have performed the duties of a web designer, system analyst, and database administrator. The variety has kept things interesting, and I have met some coworkers who became friends along the way. Chuck Alcorn is one of those friends/coworkers and he recruited me for this role, and I am certainly happy that he did.

Mike and family at a PSU game.

Current Favorites…


Attending Steeler, Penn State, and local high school sports games.  Also hiking, travel, and video games with my son!

TV show or Movie:

All things Star Wars and Marvel


Wow, it’s hard to pick 1 but I will stick with my hometown and go with Mac Miller’s, That’s On Me. That album is always played in our house, and Mac grew up our neighborhood.


The new Dune movie inspired to read the entire Dune series, so I am currently reading that and loving it. 

Sports Team:

Steelers, of course! And all Penn State teams.


Mike photographed with his wife, son, and dog, and fun facts about him.

Quick facts…

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A pilot

Describe yourself in three words

Friendly, Focused, Nerd

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Daniel Day Lewis, he is such a great actor.

Anything else you would like to share?

Our team is a welcoming and fun group of people.