Healthy You: Summer Safety Tips for Families

School’s out for the summer! Before you break out the pool noodles and bikes, read our top summer safety tips. Once you feel confident about pool, sun and bike safety, have a talk with your children to set your family’s safety guidelines. These conversations will ensure everyone has a wonderful summer—and no ER visits!

Staying Safe in the Pool

Visits to swimming pools and splash pads are key to surviving the sweltering Tennessee summer. Pools are fun and refreshing, but they can also be dangerous if proper precautions aren’t taken. In 2018, Tennessee was tied for fifth for the highest number of pool and spa drownings involving children younger than 15 from Memorial Day through Labor Day. This My Southern Health article encourages parents to follow the ABCs of water safety:

  • Adult supervision
  • Barriers and boating safety
  • Classes

And for guidelines to prevent general water-activity injuries and accidents, don’t miss these additional tips from My Southern Health.

Staying Safe on Bike Rides

Bikes get a lot more use during the summer months, which also means more skinned knees and elbows and painful falls. While cuts and scrapes will heal, head injuries can be life-altering. That’s why it’s essential to make helmet-wearing the standard for your entire family. Read this article for more information on what to keep in mind when buying or using bike helmets.

Staying Safe From the Sun

The sun is more intense during the summer, making it even more important to protect our skin from its damaging rays. It’s never too early to protect your child’s skin from the sun, especially when it means preventing skin cancer, says a pediatric dermatologist at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. Take a look at this article for suggestions on smarter sun protection.