Kathy Gracey, MEd

Director of Quality Programs
Vanderbilt Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody

Kathy Gracey received her M.Ed. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Mississippi.  She has been a member of the department of psychiatry since 1992.  She serves as the administrator, responsible for oversight and implementation, of multiple programs serving at risk children and youth.  Ms. Gracey was the key person within the Vanderbilt Center of Excellence to assist the Department of Children Services (DCS) with the implementation of a state-wide assessment intervention for all children in DCS custody along with the implementation of a state-wide assessment for non-custody families.  She has assisted with a roll out of the Juvenile Justice CANS that has been implemented in approximately 25 juvenile justice courts in Tennessee. This entailed significant collaboration within the state system, including multi-regional training, networking and on-going technical assistance.  In 1986 Ms. Gracey moved to Nashville to become Director of a not for profit organization that served youth who had experienced sexual trauma.  She has been implementing programs for at-risk youth and youth who have experienced complex trauma for the past 30 years.