ACTIV-2 Study Information

(615) 936-8594

What is the ACTIV-2 Study?

illustration of lady exhaling covid-19 virus

The ACTIV-2 Study is testing different medicines to see if they are safe and can help adults with COVID-19. Finding treatments for COVID-19 is important because the virus is spreading quickly all over the world and can cause serious sickness and even death.

Researchers want to see if the medicines are:

Medicine is safe


person who is healthy

Can help people get better faster

no COVID-19 virus

Can get rid of the virus

COVID-19 patient in bed

Can keep people from getting sicker

not in hospital

Can prevent people from having to go to the hospital

Who can be in the ACTIV-2 Study?

The ACTIV-2 Study is for adults 18 years and older who:


positive COVID-19 test

Tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 7 days

sick at home

Are at home (not in the hospital)

patient with fever and cough

Have COVID-19 symptoms

Fill out the form or call us for more information.

(615) 936-8594


ACTIV-2 Form