Vanderbilt Clinical & Translational Research Scholars (VCTRS) Program

The Vanderbilt-CIDRZ (Center for Infectious Disease Research, Zambia) AIDS International Research Training Program (AITRP) partners with international collaborators from five countries-Zambia, China, India, Pakistan, and Mozambique. The AITRP program provides training in both institutional and individual biomedical and behavioral research capacities focused on HIV-related research in prevention and care. The AITRP trains foreign scientists and key research support staff to conduct independent research and training in their home countries and to perform at an internationally competitive level in collaborations with local and foreign scientists.

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Lan Zhang [Email]
Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health

Nashville, TN; Beijing, China 


Mr. Lan Zhang, M.S., is currently a Fellow in AITRP. VIGH staff who help coordinate this program and might have more information would be: Holly Cassell, M.P.H. 

Program Type

Training or Education

Funding Type



Asia, North America

Global Health Topics

Infectious Diseases


Undergraduate students; Graduate students (non-clinical); Medical students (MD); Nursing students (MSN, DNP); Post-doctoral students, residents, or trainees; Faculty members

Program Length

1 year or more

VU Affiliation

The program is affiliated with Vanderbilt.


The program has a language requirement (Chinese).