Predictors of treatment toxicity, failure, and relapse in HIV-related tuberculosis "RePORT-Brazil"

Principal Investigator(s):
Timothy R. Sterling, M.D.
Valeria Cavalcanti Rolla, M.D., Ph.D.

Predictors of treatment toxicity, failure, and relapse in HIV-related tuberculosis "RePORT-Brazil" (R01 AI120790-01A1)
The over-arching goal of this project is to optimize the treatment of HIV-related tuberculosis in a large, genetically diverse cohort in Brazil. We will characterize the relationship between human genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), tuberculosis and HIV drug levels, and three key tuberculosis treatment outcomes: drug toxicity, 2-month sputum culture-positivity, and tuberculosis treatment failure/reIapse. These results will lay the groundwork for drug dosing and regimens that improve outcomes and treatment effectiveness of HIV-related tuberculosis.