Projects & Partnerships

Veterans Aging Cohort Study at the VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System

The VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System (TVHS) will be added as the tenth clinical site of the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS). Vanderbilt and TVHS physicians, Drs. Todd Hulgan and Harvey Murff, will serve as the site PI and co-PI. As part of this new clinical site, HIV-infected and demographically matched uninfected Veterans will be enrolled at TVHS and contribute data to VACS via self-administered questionnaires that collect information on demographics, medical history, height, weight, treatment adherence, HIV risk behavior, symptoms and quality of life, health behaviors, alcohol and illicit drug use, psychosocial factors, patient-provider relationship, and healthcare utilization. VACS is led by PI Dr. Amy Justice at Yale University and is the largest clinical cohort of HIV-infected individuals in North America and has collected in-depth, longitudinal data on alcohol, multi-substance use, and outcomes over eight years. 














URBAN ARCH: Uganda Russia Boston Alcohol Network for Alcohol Research Collaboration on HIV/AIDS

URBAN ARCH, a member of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) CHAART (Consortiums for HIV/AIDS and Alcohol Research Translation) initiative, conducts and disseminates interdisciplinary research aimed at understanding how alcohol use impacts people affected by HIV and develops interventions to reduce alcohol use and alcohol and HIV-related consequences in this population.

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