Email FAQ

Are there limits to the size/number of messages I can send?

Email Size Limits

The size limit for a single message sent from the Medical Center is 25 MB. This size limit includes all attachments.
No single file within an archived attachment can exceed 20 MB.
The total number of files within an archived attachment cannot exceed 256.
The maximum folder depth within an archived attachment cannot exceed 20.

Email Recipient Limits

An email can be addressed to a maximum of 250 recipients per email but it can be adjusted to meet a particular business need.
Use of Exchange Distribution Lists is encouraged to help maintain this recipient limit. 
Each mailbox can send emails to a maximum of 10,000 recipients per day.

Note: An Outlook Contact List counts each recipient separately whereas an Exchange Distribution List counts as one recipient.

Secure File Transfer

If the transfer of data does not fit either scenario, please refer to our Accellion service provided by Security Operations.