A Year Later: Healing from the Tornado

​The one-year anniversary of the deadly March 3rd tornado brings back memories of loss, grief, and fear. It is a good time to pause and reflect. Psychological literature terms this emotional response as an anniversary reaction to a traumatic event.

For some, March 3rd marks a memory of severe devastation and loss and for others it reminds them of the way that neighbors and strangers pitched in to help. Individuals who lost family, friends, or homes may still be working through the natural grieving process by acknowledging and recognizing the emotions that resurface.

Not everyone will experience the same feelings, even if they experienced the same event. You may find it helpful to anticipate the possibilities of common anniversary reactions, such as: 

  • Painful memories of living through the tornado and then seeing the path of destruction. 
  • Intrusive images and feelings.
  • Anger that so much was lost and that perhaps things are not totally rebuilt, even a year later.
  • Sadness despite believing that the experience of grief had already been processed.
  • Anxiety or fear of recurrence, especially when inclement weather is predicted.

 Take some moments to reflect upon the experience and credit yourself for your resilience to have endured this hardship. If you are finding that memories of the tornado have challenged your usual coping abilities, call Work/Life Connections-EAP at 936-1327 and make a confidential appointment to meet with one of our counselors.