Brad Oxnam, MFA
With summer weather, activities, and events in full swing, there's many opportunities for social connection. In fact, July is Social Wellness Month – a month highlighting the importance of connectedness and healthy relationships with others. Social Wellness Month provides an opportunity to reevaluate our own personal social well-being – how connected we feel to ourselves and others.
Our social well-being, and how connected we feel in our community, is an important part of our happiness, because relationships with others is a key driver in our mental health. The quality of our relationships with other people influences how emotionally resilient we can be in the face of a crisis.
Here are 4 ways to help nurture your social health:
- Make Connections – Scientists have found that social connections with others influence our health and well-being.
- Build healthy relationships. Keep learning how to better support the relationships you have now. Get active together – plan a group activity to build community with each other.
- Join a Group! Consider joining one of the VUMC Employee Resource Groups, participate in one of the volunteer opportunities in Nashville, or connect with others at VUMC for an on-campus walk with the Health Plus Pacers.
- Take care of yourself while caring for others. If you care for a child or an elder, don't forget to take time for yourself, whatever that may be. Choose what works for you.
Making and keeping solid social connections can be difficult, and we may need to think of new strategies. Work/Life Connections-EAP counselors Megan Bergfeld, LCSW, ACM-SW, and Makenzie Parks, LCSW, discussed ways to make connections on Health & Wellness' Healthier You podcast earlier this year.
VUMC faculty, staff, and their spouses can talk individually with a counselor at Work/Life Connections-EAP about how to improve their relationships. Call (615) 936-1327 for a free, confidential appointment.