Custom Application Development


Custom application development enables VUMC to excel technologically in areas where current third-party solutions are not available.  When software does not exist to meet specific customer requirements, customers can work with Application Development and Integration (ADI) to develop solutions to meet their business needs.  These custom applications should be unique to the needs of a particular department or area, and should not be readily available via third-party solutions.

How can I get it?

When such needs are identified, Customers can contact their Customer Relationship Manager to begin the process.

The following is a high-level description of the steps necessary for a custom application to be developed:

  • Customer meets with their Customer Relationship Manager to describe their business need, verifying that no third party solution exists
  • Customer Relationship Manager works with Customer to fill out a Software Project Request
  • Request is presented at governance meetings
  • If approved, a Project Manager is assigned and resources are allocated and scheduled for the effort
  • Detailed requirements are defined by the customer and the technical team
  • The application is implemented  
  • Once the application is completed and fully tested, it is moved to production and is ready for customer use